Saturday, April 26, 2014

Our "new" home sweet home

Great news!  We bought a house!

About a year and a half ago, Daniel and I decided that we were craving a bit of suburbia.  We love New York City and will always have a footprint there, but the pull of sunshine, a backyard, cheap living, and career opportunities were urging us to fly south.  We started saving for a down payment on a house right away and began the process of house hunting in February.  After two days and 20 houses viewed, we decided on a sweet little house in the Conway neighborhood of Orlando, Florida.  It's a tiny 919 square foot 1957 block home on a quarter acre.  It needs a bit of love, so we are planning to renovate it ourselves.  We'll take a few months to make improvements while we continue to audition and job hunt in Orlando before we make the big move.  Keep up with our adventures here!  I'll be posting what improvements we're working on and what exciting things are happening.

If you would like to lend a helping hand, we would so appreciate your help!  Feel free to volunteer your tools, trucks, and elbow grease.  If you have the desire to give a house warming gift or you'd like to help without getting your hands dirty, I've added a Paypal button to the sidebar here.  Any and all gifts of time and money are greatly appreciated.  We are so lucky to have such amazing people in our lives rooting for us!  Thank you!